Wednesday 8 September 2010

Blimey.....Oh Riley!

It's been a funny few days for our Riley.
The success of being an artist's muse has clearly gone to the lad's head.  A few weeks ago, I was stunned and thrilled to find local artist Pauline Longley had drawn a beautiful picture of our Riley (check it out at: ).  The image has now been turned into a greetings card too.

On Saturday I thought I'd continue his training out in the community so that Hattie could begin her maternity leave.  He behaved appallingly.  He's always been very well behaved before, and I don't know whether it was the number of curious dogs who came a bit too close, or the awful music they were playing over the tannoy, but he got really upset.  As I was loading him back in the trailer for a brief respite, the catch on his lead rope came undone and he made a dash for freedom.  In a MASSIVE recreation ground.  Fortunately, with a bit of help from the fete-goers (my grateful thanks to the Cats Protection League Lady who press ganged volunteers into helping) a human chain was formed and we quietly trapped him into a corner of the field.   Phew.
Less than 2 hours later it was reported on Facebook.  Aah!
Riley is now off the hook as far as village fetes go - I will still be trying him out as a trekker though. 

Riley's picture is currently on display at an arts exhibition in Ilminster, until about the 15th September, if any one's interested.  He does look handsome.

Thursday 26 August 2010

Hattie's in the news....again!

Nice surprise when I opened this week's edition of the Shepton Mallet Journal, there was a llama pulling a funny face at me from page 3.  Not just any old llama - our Hattie is in the news again (probably the 5th or 6th time this year).  There was a lovely write up too, for Cobblers, the Wool Shop in Shepton at whose 20th birthday party we were attending - good publicity for both parties as they have been selling Albie the Alpaca's wool for us, for the past couple of years.
Stopped by the fields on my way home to tell Hattie she was in the paper again. She didn't seem that impressed.  Mind you, think her mind was probably on other things, could see her baby turning somersaults inside her tummy so I don't think it will be too long now until little one arrives.  When's the next full moon?

Monday 23 August 2010

Life as a llama farmer ...

... just got harder!
Whilst I can cope with head collar training, birthing crias, poo picking and dealing with bolshy males, this blogging lark is going to take some practise.
Will be aiming to add pictures, info and links to my website - but it seems this will take a bit of time to suss out what all the different commands mean.
In the meantime, anyone out there able to give some advice?